4 Reasons Your Church Can Stagnate and Die

One of the more celebrated churches in the book of Revelation is that of Philadelphia in modern-day Turkey. This community of believers was commended by Jesus as those who “kept my word and have not denied my name” and who will therefore be kept...

A Lesson from Ruth on Welcoming Refugees

Arthur Holmes reminds us in “The Idea of a Christian College” that we must rigorously pursue the intersection of their faith within the wholeness of the human experience. A Christian college, and by implication those vocationally pursuing the study and...

All Baptists Invited to Observe Human Rights Day

On Dec. 20, 1993, the post for a United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) was established. Celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, the OHCHR continues its mission to “[represent] the world’s commitment to universal ideals...