When Churches Work Together for the Common Good

I bragged on the response that Houstonians had made shortly after Hurricane Harvey and made an appeal for churches to consider making Houston a destination for mission work in helping us rebuild. I was driving down a local street a few weeks ago and saw a van from my...

Church Leaders, Make Houston Your Next Mission Trip

I have grown weary of the “once-in-a-thousand-year flood” description of the historical flooding Houston and surrounding areas have experienced this week. This event defied all odds and all logic; it has become the new reality for myself and other Houston...

Why Your Church Needs to Support Your Public School

I have always believed in the importance of public education as a necessary component of a healthy and vibrant country. This is not a criticism of my friends and peers who work at religious schools. Nor is it a critique of those who homeschool their children. It is a...

Her Faith Was Renewed When Her Neighbor Did This

Foot washing will be a part of many Maundy Thursday services tomorrow. The act is intimate and can be uncomfortable to participants. At the Last Supper, the act as performed by Jesus was both practical and the perfect object lesson for humility. The actual act of foot...