by Drew Smith | Aug 2, 2012 | Opinion
The story about Jesus feeding a multitude of people is one of the few stories about Jesus that is found in all four Gospels. This tells us that this story was of great importance for early Christians in describing who Jesus was and what Jesus’ ministry was...
by Drew Smith | Jul 17, 2012 | Opinion
When reading the New Testament, one discovers a great emphasis on love and unity. Indeed, the coming of the spirit at Pentecost is just one story that tells us that one of the primary works of the spirit is to unite together people from all walks of life in the...
by Drew Smith | Jul 6, 2012 | Opinion
It is often said that Jesus had more to say about money than any other subject. From his statements about wealth and possessions, to his parables about agriculture and land, to his calling his followers to invest in treasures in heaven, Jesus’ teachings are...
by Drew Smith | Jun 25, 2012 | Opinion
Those of us who have read the Gospels, or who are even remotely familiar with the teachings of Jesus, know that he often spoke in parables. Indeed, Jesus tells more than 40 parables, many that are very familiar, such as the Parable of the Good Samaritan or the Parable...
by Drew Smith | Jan 4, 2012 | Opinion
Another Christmas has past, and as we put away decorations and return gifts, it is good for Christians to once again spend time reflecting on the meaning of Christmas, especially after the hoopla of a busy Christmas season. For centuries, Christians have celebrated...