The Politics of Jesus: Compassion and Justice

Over the years that I have spent reading the Gospels, I have come to the conclusion that Jesus was not simply a teacher of spirituality as some like to make him out to be. Nor was he some divine figure who went about Galilee healing people. He was certainly both of...

Why Christians Must Be Peacemakers

The heart of Jesus’ message is the desire for peace. At one level, Jesus called people to follow him as a path to finding peace with God. Yet, at a more pragmatic level, Jesus called people to be at peace with one another. Indeed, in the Sermon on the Mount...

Ark. School Misses Chance to Teach Understanding in Arkansas reported that the Sheridan School District in Sheridan, Ark., withdrew the invitation extended to a Muslim man to speak at the district’s middle school on Sept. 11 due to parental outrage. The news story quotes a woman identified as Kathy...