Finding Faith Through Questions, Not Answers

At the bottom of my email messages, I have this quote from Thomas Merton: “A person is known better by his questions than his answers.” These words sum up my understanding of religious faith. Faith is not about answers. Faith is about questions. This way...

Churches’ Response to Change: Stagnation or Relevance

The 21st-century world is in constant flux. The advances in technology, the continuing spread of globalization, the uprisings in the Arab world, and the growing interaction between diverse cultures present our modern world with continuous and unstoppable change. We...

During Advent, Make Time to Wait on God

The start of the season of Advent, falling on Nov. 28 this year, marks the beginning of the Christian calendar. The word “Advent” comes from the Latin meaning “coming,” and the season that bears this title consists of the four Sundays before...

Why It’s Important to Question the Bible

I was recently engaged in an exchange on Facebook when the question of Paul was raised. In the course of the discussion, I mentioned the fact that some of Paul’s teachings had been used to support the subjugation of women and others. One responder replied to my...

Four Ways Christians Relate to Society

What is the role of the church in society? What does it mean for Christians to be in the world but not of the world? How do we remain faithful to our Christian confession and identity but also engage the culture around us? These are important questions for us to...