Look Back | 4 Ways Christians Relate to Society

Look Back | 4 Ways Christians Relate to Society

Editor’s note: This article first appeared on Oct. 14, 2010. At the time of publication, Smith was director of international programs at Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. What is the role of the church in society? What does it mean for Christians to...

Proclaiming Gospel Draws Ire from Powers of Injustice

A wild man preaching in the desert about repentance and calling people to be baptized is how we often image John the Baptist. We also visualize John baptizing Jesus – a significant starting point to Jesus’ ministry. But when we think of John, we probably...

What’s God’s Vision for Just and Fair Economy?

It is often said that Jesus had more to say about money than any other subject. From his statements about wealth and possessions, to his parables about agriculture and land, to his calling his followers to invest in treasures in heaven, Jesus’ teachings are...

Why Sacred Time, Space are Vital to Your Worship

One of the beliefs shared by global religious traditions is the importance of sacred time and space. The Hebrew tradition had sacred days and seasons, like Passover and the Day of Atonement, that recalled and celebrated what God had done in Israel’s life. For...

4 Elements of Genuine Worship

Isaiah 6 is known by biblical scholars as a theophany – an appearance of God. Isaiah, in the presence of God, is confronted with not only who God is, but with who he is in relation to God. The scene defines for us what being in God’s presence might entail...