A Tale of Three Ordained Women

The ordination of women as ministers–deacons, pastors and others–is controversial in Baptist life. A few Baptists are open, many (especially in the South) are adamantly opposed and some affirm women as ministers for congregations other than their own....

A Tale of Three Ordained Women

The ordination of women as ministers–deacons, pastors and others–is controversial in Baptist life. A few Baptists are open, many (especially in the South) are adamantly opposed and some affirm women as ministers for congregations other than their own....

The Baptist World Alliance and Religious Liberty

Religious liberty has been a hallmark distinctive in Baptist life. Thomas Helwys, Roger Williams and John Leland are familiar figures in the pantheon of Baptist “heroes” who are known for their support of freedom. At the institutional level, the Baptist...

Baptists and Women Deacons

Southern Baptists and women have again been in the news recently. New Southern Baptist literature, the Baptist Center for Ethics has reported, is critical of the practice of women deacons. Read that again, not the old tirades against women pastors, but the next item...

Martha Wilson: A Disloyal Prophetess

Baptist history is filled with many fascinating but little-known stories. The name of Martha Stainback Wilson (1834-1919) is most likely unknown except to the most dedicated readers of the history of “women’s work” in the South. I discovered her by...