Miracle near 34th Street

Sometimes a sense of awe is lacking nowadays in society. The story of U.S. Airways Flight 1549 is awesome. In our calloused, high-tech, nothing-surprises-us society, miracles are often considered spiritual artifacts from the ancient world. You just don’t see the...

Palestinian Christian Considers Gaza Turmoil: Part One

The recent events in Gaza are a horrific example of democracy at work, according to Raouf Halaby. But the implementation of democracy in this case grates against the American ideal like fingernails on a chalkboard. Editor’s note: This is the first of a two-part series...

Pastor Saves Babies Through Hole in Church Wall

Rev. Cheryl Allen didn’t tear down a wall; she just created a small hole in it. As a result, about 720 abandoned babies have been rescued through the “Door of Hope.” Rev. Cheryl Allen didn’t tear down a wall; she just created a small hole in...