It’s Not Just What You Give to Church but Why

What is every pastor’s least favorite sermon topic? If I had to guess what most would list, it would be tithing. It is an oft-avoided topic in many pulpits, perhaps due to a feeling that it will appear to be fundraising for their own salary rather than a call to...

Blaming Church Becomes Default Position for Many

It’s becoming fashionable to condemn and criticize the church. It’s popular, and you’ll get a following if you do it long and loud enough. It’s becoming a favorite pastime of folks who are dealing with how the church has disappointed them or...

Buying Sermons Short-Changes Congregations

A recent front-page article in “The Wall Street Journal” introduced pastors who use the sermons of other ministers. A photo of Ed Young Jr. was sketched to the side, with information that this pastor sells his sermons for $10 apiece from a Web site. You...