Humility: A Prerequisite for Interfaith Dialogue

To write anything about humility runs a risk of conveying the presumption that one either knows what it is or, worse, that one has managed to accomplish it. Remember the old joke about the fellow who wrote the book “Humility and How I Attained It”?...

Laws and Morality: Changing Hearts Over Time

“You can’t legislate morality!” This was a familiar line in the chorus of objection to the civil rights and voting laws of the early 1960s. The idea was that passing laws won’t make people love each other and create community where there are...

Choose Now. Which Side of History Will You Be On?

Recent conversations and commentary have included the intriguing observation that positions taken and decisions made often reflect a desire to be on “the right side of history.” Coming as it did on the heels of a hotly contested election, the devastation...

New Year’s Outlook Will Depend on Our Focus

The realities of good and evil are powerfully evident in our time, as in most others; the conflicting messages from Christmas (“peace on earth”) and from horrific tragedy (Newtown, Conn.) remind us that the world we sing about in this season and the world...