by Colin Harris | May 14, 2014 | Opinion
While my Greek and Latin skills are now rusty from a lack of daily use, I remain fascinated with how root meanings of words, as well as prefixes and suffixes, reflect subtleties of meaning that add richness to our thought and precision to our reflections. For example,...
by Colin Harris | Apr 8, 2014 | Opinion
The challenge of being religiously faithful and scientifically honest has been with us since Copernicus and Galileo challenged prevailing understandings of how the universe is structured. The “Darwin period” – which is actually still with us, it seems –...
by Colin Harris | Mar 21, 2014 | Opinion
I attended a recent lecture by Rabbi Reuven Firestone of Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles, who spoke on the history and features of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. His theme was that both have their roots in the broader human phenomenon of...
by Colin Harris | Mar 5, 2014 | Opinion
A recent gathering of clergy and lay leaders from churches across Georgia engaged in extended conversation about the needs and opportunities for ministry in our time and place. The normal needs for better communication, faithful stewardship of limited resources, and...
by Colin Harris | Feb 18, 2014 | Opinion
The worst of times and the best of times (so to speak) came two weeks apart in Atlanta, in a rare back-to-back visit of “winter events.” The first resulted in thousands of commuters being caught in traffic gridlock for up to 20 hours while students were...