by Colin Harris | Nov 3, 2014 | Opinion
I was invited recently to participate in a discussion at church focused on an interesting question: Why did Paul say that? This prompted some thinking about the Apostle Paul’s puzzling and sometimes controversial words of counsel to early Christian communities....
by Colin Harris | Oct 16, 2014 | Opinion
A recent study series at church on John’s letters in the New Testament brought the reminder that they were most likely written in response to an interpretation of the gospel that came to be identified with Gnostic thought. This dualistic perspective reflected...
by Colin Harris | Sep 30, 2014 | Opinion
Most of us seem to live somewhere between Chicken Little’s “The sky is falling!” and Rabbi Gamaliel’s counsel to “wait and see” (Acts 5:33-39) on the theological and spiritual validity of the emerging Christian movement. Some issues...
by Colin Harris | Sep 11, 2014 | Opinion
Parallel images of barbaric atrocities committed by extremists and of health workers risking and giving their lives in the effort to control the Ebola pandemic raise the penetrating question of who we are and who we have become as a human family. On a lesser scale,...
by Colin Harris | Aug 27, 2014 | Opinion
Count on the campaign season to provide us with plenty of fodder for reflection on our life together. Sometimes even little phrases and word choices can become windows for looking into our own houses, and for looking out those same windows to see the world outside in...