by Colin Harris | Apr 23, 2015 | Opinion
Michael Santos continues his long road of redemption. Santos is a former student and friend of mine whose personal journey I’ve described on in two previous columns. The first, written as he was beginning the last of his 26 years of confinement...
by Colin Harris | Apr 15, 2015 | Opinion
Ethics is a realm of reflection that is usually not class-specific, though we often see ethical discussions focused on particular arenas of decision-making. Business ethics, legal ethics and medical ethics are a few examples. However, there are ethical challenges...
by Colin Harris | Mar 16, 2015 | Opinion
“Simon Says” and “Mother May I?” were two versions of a popular game in my childhood. Success resulted from remembering and using these key words. You were “out” if you responded to a directive that wasn’t preceded with...
by Colin Harris | Feb 24, 2015 | Opinion
Woodworking guru Norm Abram of The New Yankee Workshop popularized an old English proverb: “Measure twice, cut once.” Anyone who has even dabbled in woodworking or carpentry knows the wisdom of that saying. Remember the poor fellow who said,...
by Colin Harris | Feb 10, 2015 | Opinion
Conversations among pilgrims along the faith journey can lead to interesting insights about the ebb and flow of things that matter. It isn’t unusual to hear a veteran traveler say, “I used to believe (fill in the blank), but now I don’t feel a need...