by Colin Harris | Nov 8, 2016 | Opinion
Writing this on the eve of Election Day at the end of the home stretch of the most contentious and bizarre election season in my memory feels a bit like one of Jesus’ first followers trying to write a gospel on Thursday of passion week. While most observers seem...
by Colin Harris | Sep 29, 2016 | Opinion
Idolatry and injustice seem to be at the top of the list of violations of covenant faith. The prophets and historians of ancient Israel identified the tendency to claim “godness” for one’s own thinking and behavior as the primary “flaw”...
by Colin Harris | Sep 6, 2016 | Opinion
Catastrophic losses bring profound changes to communities. From the family to the national level, these changes tend to become markers in the flow of history between the pre- and the post- of whatever the event was. Whether it was the death of a child a year ago, a...
by Colin Harris | Aug 25, 2016 | Opinion
A funny thing happened to ethics on the way to the polls. This process and discipline that seeks to translate values into responsible decisions, from personal morality to public policy – a special and delicate gift of our humanity – seems to be cut adrift...
by Colin Harris | Aug 9, 2016 | Opinion
A Christian psychologist and a Jewish philosopher have been watching and listening to a public conversation that was a political campaign for key positions of leadership within their society. The psychologist was troubled that what should be a reasonable conversation...