“Casino Jack and the United States of Money”

Filmmaker Alex Gibney – stepson of the late Rev. William Sloane Coffin – is one of our best muckrakers in film. He’s better than Michael Moore, whose ideological rigidity births tales that, while entertaining, hang on black-and-white.   Gibney, on the other...

“The Art of the Steal”

In 1922, Dr. Albert Barnes established the Barnes Foundation to preserve his significant art collection. He stipulated that his collection, housed in a mansion a few miles outside Philadelphia, never be sold, moved or loaned.   But that didn’t stop the powers...

Sadly, Many Surprised by Baptist-Muslim Relationships

Producing and directing a documentary on Baptists and Muslims has been eye-opening.   As Robert Parham, the Baptist Center for Ethics’ executive director, and I traveled to various states documenting friendships and initiatives between Baptists and Muslims, we...

Ignoring Critics, Some Baptists and Muslims Cooperate

ABC-TV stations will begin airing our documentary on Baptists and Muslims in early January. We’re proud of the piece, though we know any project about interfaith relationships – especially between Baptists and Muslims – is bound to bring criticism. Some quarters...