10 Lessons I’ve Learned Making Documentaries

I’ve been making documentaries for EthicsDaily.com for the last five years. The projects have all focused on theology and social justice. They have been screened in churches, seminaries, community groups, national conferences, film festivals and living rooms on...

“Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work”

The documentary “Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work” follows the comic/actress/entertainer/performer in her 76th year. The raspy voice, off-color humor and plastic surgery popularly define the woman. The documentary, which has already played at the Sundance and...

“The Nature of Existence”

This documentary film is about exactly what its title says. So as you might expect, the area of interest is only the meaning of life and all of its attendant questions. Filmmaker Roger Nygard, perhaps best known for his documentary “Trekkies,” says this...

“Burma VJ: Reporting from a Closed Country”

New technology, old religion and the freedom of information coalesce around the Oscar-nominated documentary “Burma VJ,” which is still knocking about theaters after an HBO run.   The “VJ” in the title refers to “video journalism” or...