A Free Market Cannot Guarantee Civil Rights

Senate nominee Rand Paul’s position that private businesses open to serve the public should be able to discriminate has raised a firestorm of protest. Paul contends that a free market will punish businesses that discriminate, and therefore government does not...

When Tea Partiers Come to Church

Based on the recent New York Times poll of tea partiers, you are likely to find them sitting in your church pews. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Should pastors or church leaders encourage, discourage or ignore tea party advocates among their members or visitors...

Think Churches Can Feed America’s Poor?

Churches are an important resource in caring for America’s poor, but the job is too big for churches alone. With all the talk about healthcare and the nation’s deficit, I’ve seen more than one blog suggest that churches take over the responsibility...

Top Five: Pastors Need These Folks in Church

With apologies to Mitch Albom, here’s my take on the five people a pastor needs in church. 1. A friend. Because pastors are human beings, we need a social network of friends. However, some pastors continue to believe that a pastor can’t be friends with...