5 Issues Your Church Members Will Discuss in 2012

The flood of articles predicting what’s going to happen in 2012 has begun, so I thought I would throw in a small-church perspective.  Interestingly, I think 2012 will bring us to a unique intersection of faith and politics. Here are the top five issues your...

Small Churches, Can You Sustain New Programs?

Small churches are concerned about a lot of things including growth, finances and ministry programs. But one issue seems to cut across all of these small church concerns – sustainability. Small churches often do not ask the question, “How are we going to sustain...

Six Trends Suggest Churches’ Influence Waning

In his new book, “American Religion: Contemporary Trends,” Professor Mark Chaves of Duke University identifies six new trends affecting U.S. congregations, including small churches. In the chapter titled simply “Congregations,” Chaves examines...

Why So Many Mourn the Passing of Steve Jobs

Watching the news reports of those mourning the death of Steve Jobs, it struck me that for the first time in my experience people are genuinely saddened at the death of a business leader, rather than a rock star, a member of the royal family or a politician. Did Henry...