by Chuck Warnock | Aug 27, 2014 | Opinion
Even though we are in the midst of a Christian publishing boom, writers often overlook their most obvious audience: their own congregations. I hate to break this news to all of us aspiring writers, but most of us are not going to write the next “Purpose-Driven...
by Chuck Warnock | May 7, 2014 | Opinion
If you think the Supreme Court’s ruling on public prayer is an unqualified win for Christians, you might want to reconsider. On May 5, the United States Supreme Court ruled that “ceremonial” prayers opening government meetings do not violate the...
by Chuck Warnock | Apr 9, 2014 | Opinion
The more we’re online as a society, the less religious we are. According to MIT’s Technology Review, a new study by computer scientist Allen Downey of the Olin College of Engineering concludes, “Internet use decreases the chance of religious...
by Chuck Warnock | Jan 5, 2014 | Opinion
Several years ago I predicted $5-per-gallon gas. Thankfully, we never got to that point. Despite my obvious fallibility, I’m framing my prognostications in the familiar “what’s in and what’s out” categories in sharing what I think (and...
by Chuck Warnock | Dec 3, 2013 | Opinion
I have read many articles on church outreach in my 30 years of ministry. I’ve even written a few myself. However, I have never read an article on the ethics of outreach. Maybe it’s time for a look at the ethics of outreach. Here’s why. In Hibbing,...