by Chuck Summers | Apr 30, 2014 | Opinion
The second Sunday of Easter was designated as Earth Stewardship Sunday in the denomination I serve. One of the most meaningful Easter messages for me is God’s ability to bring good from bad situations. This is especially applicable to God’s care for...
by Chuck Summers | Dec 24, 2013 | Opinion
A few Sundays ago, I came to see the Christmas story in a new light. My sister sent me a page from her daily devotional guide written by Gina Bridgeman, who pointed out that key players in the Christmas story were actually focused on elements of nature when they were...
by Chuck Summers | Nov 15, 2013 | Opinion
According to the story, President Lyndon B. Johnson was walking across the tarmac toward a plane when one of his assistants informed him that the plane he was walking toward was not his. LBJ’s response was, “They’re all mine, son.” Perhaps...