Getting Your Planetary House in Order

My wife and I recently purchased a home in Henderson, Kentucky, and we are still very much in the process of getting the house in order. Lots of boxes wait to be unpacked. Each day, we struggle to remember where certain things are. We are constantly being reminded...

The Earth’s Your Home. Why Not Take Care Of It?

With every gift comes demand and with every blessing comes responsibility. These were truths that were repeatedly noted in a class I took under Baptist New Testament scholar Frank Stagg many years ago in seminary. His words have had a huge influence on my life. They...

On Prairies and People: Knowing Your Subjects

I met up with a friend to do some photography of the prairies in southwest Missouri a few weeks ago. I had never photographed prairies and, although I had a few preconceptions of what a prairie would look like, I really didn’t know what to expect. When we...

George Washington Carver: A Hero Few Know

I have a new hero now. It happened by accident recently when a friend and I met in Missouri for a few days of photography in the southwest portion of the state. We wanted to explore the prairies in the area. It just so happened that one of the prairies we visited...

Is Peace on Earth Even Possible?

Watching and reading the news lately has been depressing. I realize that the news media does not tell the whole story and that there are lots of good things happening in the world. Yet, there has been no shortage of horrible events to concentrate on in recent days....