SBC Clergy Predators ‘Wolves’ in the Church

When congregational autonomy becomes an excuse for failing to protect kids against sexual predators, then it is part of an immoral construct. That is the perversion I see in the country’s largest Protestant denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention. A month...

Clergy Predators Are As Crafty As Cyber-Predators

In the wake of the Foley scandal, parents feel more vulnerable about their kids’ cyber-safety. Sales are soaring for software that can track kids’ online activity. As parents, we want to know who the predators are, and we want our kids protected. But what...

Baptist Leaders Blind to Their Responsibilities

“The fact is any cleric–Catholic or Protestant–who molests a child to satisfy his own dark urges should be immediately dismissed and severely punished. Period. However, church leaders have gone blind to their responsibilities.” Jerry Falwell...