Organized Labor Still Alive and Well

Labor Day is coming up. In the United States, as with most legally mandated Monday holidays, in the minds of most it has lost any inspirational significance and has become just another three-day weekend. In fact, its forgotten significance is buried deeper than the...

Right to Work–For Less

Times are tough, and every community is desperate for new jobs–and new ideas to bring new jobs. In Kentucky, Gov. Ernie Fletcher has resurrected a tired, old idea: right-to-work-for-less. Despite the “Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!” bleating from the business...

Join Me in the Labor Movement

This is one Labor Day article that isn’t going to start by moaning about what lousy shape the American labor movement is in. You’ll read that in the mainstream press on Monday, mark my words. They’ll drone on about ” the old gray labor...

Good News For American Workers

For too long, church folk have limited the gospel in the workplace to personal evangelism, chaplaincy and counseling. These aren’t just good; they are great. But what about ethics? Our faith should inform our daily lives. For too long, we have treated Labor Day...

The Way of Discipleship

Last summer, I went with my 10-year-old to camp. He heard a short simple plan of salvation, and it started me thinking about the words and Scripture I use to do the same. The result is The Way of Discipleship. It’s my way of doing the Four Spiritual Laws....