by Bruce Prescott | Dec 17, 2009 | Opinion
The citizens of Ashville, N.C., recently elected an atheist, Cecil Bothwell, to serve on their city council, but North Carolina’s state constitution prohibits anyone “who shall deny the being of Almighty God” from holding public office. Article VI of...
by Bruce Prescott | Nov 30, 2009 | Opinion
There has been a wave of discussion on the Internet and over the airwaves about the Manhattan Declaration, which is yet another echo from the sound chambers of the radical Christian right. The signatories of the Manhattan Declaration are a who’s who of the...
by Bruce Prescott | Oct 26, 2009 | Opinion
A recent press conference for health-care reform in Oklahoma highlights how Baptists and Muslims are working together for the common good. Sponsored by the Oklahoma Conference of Churches and held at the Oklahoma State Capitol on Oct. 20, the press conference featured...
by Bruce Prescott | Oct 2, 2009 | Opinion
Everyone wants to be special. Everyone. Some people think they are special. Especially Baptists in America. Every Sunday in every church across our land, Baptists can be heard thanking God for blessing them with the high privilege and honor of being born in the United...
by Bruce Prescott | Sep 30, 2009 | Opinion
Editor’s note: This is the second part in a series in which Bruce Prescott, executive director of Mainstream Oklahoma Baptists, examines the future of Baptist identity. The third part will run Friday, Oct. 2. The aspect of Baptist identity most in need of...