Governors Seek Prayers for Rain, Deny Climate Change

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin is using her bully pulpit to call Oklahomans to prayforrain. More than 40 percent of Oklahoma is experiencing an exceptional drought, the most severe category measured by climatologists. Currently, 58 percent of Oklahoma is facing either an...

Flipping Taxes to Turn Around States’ Deficits

An organization called United for a Fair Economy (UFE) issued the report “Flip It to Fix It: An Immediate, Fair Solution to State Budget Shortfalls” in late May. The report discusses the injustices caused by the regressive systems of taxation that prevail...

Burning Coal Too Harmful to Human Health

Editor’s note: The Sierra Club sponsored a panel discussion April 13 at a venue near an EPA hearing in Oklahoma City to educate Oklahomans about the effects of coal pollution. Bruce Prescott served as one of the panelists. Below are his remarks. I am here to...