Bring Your Bible to Church–And Your Gun

“Git out the old six-shooter, Ma, we’re goin’ to church.” That might sound like it’s from a Hollywood western, but it may not be fiction for long. Some said-to-be-enlightened politicians want to make it a law that allows churchgoers to...

The Misunderstood Man From Nazareth

Back in November of last year Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) sent letters for financial information from six of the countless mega-church television preachers. The senator was widely portrayed as persecuting these millionaire preachers. The offended preachers...

George W. Bush Interview in the Year 2050

In the Year of our Lord, 2050, a press conference at the ranch near the Crawford city limits was just beginning. By 2050, the Crawford air terminal had been named Heck-of-a-Job International Airport. The local school was named the Laura Bush High School. Several young...

Persecution of Christians in Iraq Grows

Before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, a minority of Christian leaders protested the preemptive war. Among them were bishops of the United Methodist Church, President Bush’s church. Many Christian denominations chose to remain silent. As the war began in earnest,...