Seven Who Fought

It was a costly battle for many whose family, profession, prestige “ even life itself were laid on the line. During the 1950s and 1960s the fight for dignity and human rights against bigotry, hate and apathy changed the lives of thousands of Americans. I came across...

Media Fall Short in Reporting About Religion

The media is blamed for a lot that is undeserving, but one place cable, networks, newspapers and the Internet do come up short is in-depth reporting on church polity and oratory in the varied worship services. The reaction to excerpted remarks of Sen. Barack...

Knowing a Second Language a Must Today

Living between two great oceans, North Americans generally tend to think of English as being the only language necessary. Unfortunately it is common to hear the sneer, “If they want to talk to us, let them learn English.” Such arrogance is simple...

When Will the Iraq War End?

The military surge that President Bush ordered 14 months ago in Baghdad has cut down on the violence, but our soldiers are still dying at a rate of one a day. Last year (year of the surge) there were more American deaths than any year of the war. The surge was to...