by Britt Towery | Jun 26, 2008 | Opinion
Though his staged photo-op on the deck of the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln in San Diego harbor was about five years premature, the “Mission Accomplished” banner unfurled behind President Bush has now come true. The four biggest Western oil...
by Britt Towery | Jun 10, 2008 | Opinion
“Ain’t Gonna Study War No More” is one of those old songs we don’t hear sung much these days. It comes from some of the very insightful and meaningful verses in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (The first four books of the New Testament Bible.) A...
by Britt Towery | Jun 3, 2008 | Opinion
I grew up in Brownwood, Texas, an ordinary segregated county-seat town. I gave little thought to the welfare or needs of the folks who lived in “The Flats,” the place where the blacks lived. The shoe-shine “boy” in my dad’s barber shop...
by Britt Towery | May 23, 2008 | Opinion
In announcing the 50 millionth Bible printed by the Amity Printing Company of Nanjing, China, the head of religious affairs announced that Chinese Bibles will be made available at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. Special worship services will be provided in whatever...
by Britt Towery | May 5, 2008 | Opinion
Most of us would love to see more democracy in the nations of the world. Just suppose the Middle East had a fledging democracy 50-plus years ago. Iran did have a thriving and growing democracy, until August 1953. The election of Muhammad Mosaddeq as the prime minister...