by Britt Towery | Apr 11, 2005 | Opinion
Edgar Snow was born 100 years ago, the same year as my mother, but they never met. Most central Texas folks never heard of him. And fewer still ever read any of his writings. He was a well-educated Missouri boy who went to China in the 1920s, studied Chinese, taught...
by Britt Towery | Apr 1, 2005 | Opinion
“My times are in thy [God’s] hands,” the Psalmist wrote. But the Psalmist had not heard about Daylight Saving Time. Beginning Sunday we will have more hours in which to work or play. (This does not pertain to those who work or play all night.) From...
by Britt Towery | Feb 24, 2005 | Opinion
There was a certain pride of station when I wore the maroon uniform of a Lyric Theater usher. That was a time when theater ushers actually helped people find a seat during the film. In those days you could buy a ticket and enter any time during the showing of the...
by Britt Towery | Feb 22, 2005 | Opinion
While getting over the Chinese feast my wife cooked as we celebrated Chinese New Year last Wednesday, I found a few things the whole world might have overlooked in recent weeks. 1. There is now an environmentally friendly golf tee. You read that right. A company is...
by Britt Towery | Feb 4, 2005 | Opinion
Anyone who has read my musing over the last few years knows my deep skepticism regarding going to war in Iraq. Nothing has convinced me it was a very wise or necessary thing to do. No facts have come forward to prove war was the only way to help the Iraqi peoples. But...