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Sharing Can Make a World of Difference

It is odd how much stuff we Americans throw away. There was a day when you could get your radio, TV set, toaster or roller skates repaired. If the soles of your shoes had holes, they could be resoled. Today we live in a disposable society. It is cheaper to buy new...

Atlanta Cafe Reaches Out to Homeless

Bryce Courtenay wrote a novel, “The Power of One,” showing how one person, doing what he or she knows to be right, can change a corner of their world for the better. Ann Connor, an assistant professor at Emory University’s School of Nursing for the...

Acting In Shanghai TV: Don’t Quit Your Day Job

It was 1988. I was in Shanghai talking with university presidents about placing American English teachers in their schools. This was new then and I had already placed teachers in schools in Beijing, Yantai, Shanghai and far-away Urumqi in west China. I was visiting...

What You Tell Me, Stays With Me

An unnamed source told me of an experience on a golf course. This came to my attention when my trustworthy confidential source returned from San Antonio with the tale. My unnamed informant’s report went something like this: Last Saturday a man was playing golf...