by Britt Towery | Oct 4, 2005 | Opinion
It is odd how much stuff we Americans throw away. There was a day when you could get your radio, TV set, toaster or roller skates repaired. If the soles of your shoes had holes, they could be resoled. Today we live in a disposable society. It is cheaper to buy new...
by Britt Towery | Oct 3, 2005 | Opinion
Bryce Courtenay wrote a novel, “The Power of One,” showing how one person, doing what he or she knows to be right, can change a corner of their world for the better. Ann Connor, an assistant professor at Emory University’s School of Nursing for the...
by Britt Towery | Sep 1, 2005 | Opinion
It was 1988. I was in Shanghai talking with university presidents about placing American English teachers in their schools. This was new then and I had already placed teachers in schools in Beijing, Yantai, Shanghai and far-away Urumqi in west China. I was visiting...
by Britt Towery | Jul 26, 2005 | Opinion
An unnamed source told me of an experience on a golf course. This came to my attention when my trustworthy confidential source returned from San Antonio with the tale. My unnamed informant’s report went something like this: Last Saturday a man was playing golf...
by Britt Towery | Jul 6, 2005 | Opinion
The old Southern Baptist Convention held its annual session last month. The SBC organized in 1845 because Baptists in the North objected to sending missionaries who owned slaves or were supported by slave owners. So, rather than clean up their act and quit owing...