The Great ‘Yawn’ of Oct. 17

When President Bush signed the Military Commission Act on the 17th of last month there went out across this land a “great yawn.” That is according to Professor Jonathan Turley, nationally recognized legal scholar who has written extensively in areas...

War Remains the Decisive Human Failure

The statement, “War remains the decisive human failure,” was written by John Kenneth Galbraith in his last book, “The Economics of Innocent Fraud,” and quoted by his son, Peter W. Galbraith in his book “The End of Iraq.” Five years...

Christian Nationalism Growing

A few weeks ago I happened to be watching C-Span on the old television set and Michelle Goldberg was talking in a church about her book, “Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism.” She gave insights from her research and interviews that the wall...

A People’s Writer For All Peoples And All Times

In more than 50 years of studying and reading Chinese no writer has captured my imagination as much as Lao She, the penname of Shu Qingchun. (Lao She is pronounced so the Lao rhymes with “how,” and the She almost like “shuh” in English.) He was...

A Modern Day Cry for Justice

A cry for justice is the theme of one of the oldest books in the Bible’s Old Testament. Amos was the prophet whose name in on the book. He was a mere peasant who believed in honesty and integrity in government. Amos was a sheepherder. He lived in a time when...