Remembering When All America Went To War

The United States is not at war. Our Armed Forces and their families and friends are at war. If all Americans had been included in the ill-conceived invasion of Iraq there would be possibly a meatless Tuesday, sugar and flour rationing books. We would have been...

Christmas Is Many Things

I read where Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus spent only one night in the Bethlehem mule barn. Officials from the Bethlehem city government informed them there was an ordinance against having a nativity scene so near city hall. (Now I know why the Wise Men visited them...

The Greatest Danger a Man Can Face

The United States is not the only place with a border problem. People everywhere desire at least a meal a day for their children. They go to extreme measures to help their families get from one day to the next. According to the International Organization for...

Bush Administration Ends Hunger

The Department of Agriculture has dropped the word “hunger” from its annual report. Now 35 million Americans suffer instead from “low food security.” Such a euphemism is almost Orwellian. There are still 10.8 million who suffer from very low...

China’s Journey Only Beginning

An economist I am not. I barely got through sixth grade arithmetic at Coggin Ward grade school. And my only exposure to any kind of economics was in T. R. Havins’ Economic History of the U.S. That was a long time ago. The world has changed since then. I still...