How Do We Pray For Our Enemies?

The Rev. Peter J. Peters’ short-wave broadcasts from his Colorado church is on my list of favorite radio shows. He sometimes gives his Sunday sermons or more often sits in his office and shares his views of the Bible. One of his strong beliefs has the Plymouth...

Christian Zionism: An Oxymoron

A few weeks ago televangelist John Hagee took a group to the nation’s capitol where he pushed his Christian Zionism agenda for Israel. His phrase “Christian Zionism” could not be more contradictory. It is more cult than Christianity. Hagee topped off...

James K. Polk: Our Worst President?

Some wars fall between the cracks. That appears to be what happened with Polk’s War. James K. Polk was our 11th president. He is often listed as the worst president we’ve ever had. Polk’s War was actually the Mexican War of 1846-48. Before and during...

The Mantra For 2007: Just Have A Little Patience

We keep being told that if the American forces pull out of Iraq, that part of the world will simply cave in and never be found again. It will sink into more of a civil war, eventually kill everybody, and then come across the seas to kill us. Hoshyar Zebari is the...

Mugged by Reality

Books on the Iraq tragedy continue to come off the presses with lightning speed. Nearly all of them point out the mistakes by our side in starting or managing of the invasion of Iraq. Few explain it as fully as John Agresto’s new book Mugged by Reality. I do not...