by Brent McDougal | Nov 14, 2003 | Opinion
When congregations dream about what might happen if their feet began to move to the lively, hypnotic rhythm of God’s Spirit, they often find themselves standing against the wall of the ballroom, unsure of the place of the Spirit in communal life. Too often...
by Brent McDougal | Jul 2, 2003 | Opinion
With each compelling story in Water in the Wastelands, a new thread joins with others to form a solid, resilient cord of truth: through shared suffering, God’s children partake of a sacrament that binds people of faith together, parses out hope where there...
by Brent McDougal | Jun 27, 2003 | Opinion
With each compelling story in Water in the Wastelands, a new thread joins with others to form a solid, resilient cord of truth: through shared suffering, God’s children partake of a sacrament that binds people of faith together, parses out hope where there...
by Brent McDougal | May 4, 2003 | Opinion
In recent months, leaders including Trent Lott, Rick Santorum and State Senator David Fowler of Tennessee have drawn criticism for off-the-cuff remarks relative to race, poverty and homosexuality. Some remarks were defended, some denied, some apologized for, some...
by Brent McDougal | Dec 12, 2002 | Opinion
If youth workers will consider the vision that Gary Haugen has put forth in Good News About Injustice—allowing the Scriptures to seep within their hearts and challenge their view of God, humanity and the oppressed—they will certainly be changed. To say that Haugen...