by Brent McDougal | Aug 20, 2018 | Opinion
I was introduced to the Baptist Center for Ethics (BCE), now, at the beginning of my pastoral ministry. My first interaction with BCE leaders centered on content regarding the missional church movement, something that very few people were discussing at...
by Brent McDougal | Aug 8, 2018 | Opinion
As a freshman in college, I was eager to become more “political.” I grew up around lawmakers and lobbyists in the Alabama legislature; as an 18-year-old idealist, I was ready to make a difference. This led me to run for student government, attend political functions...
by Brent McDougal | Aug 1, 2018 | Opinion
A fellow pastor once shared with me about a time when his 5-year-old daughter was stealing cookies. The rule was one per day, but he began to notice that the amount of cookies in the jar was rapidly decreasing. “Have you been taking cookies when you knew that was...
by Brent McDougal | Jul 10, 2018 | Opinion
There’s an old story about a crazy-eyed prophet named Elijah and a widow and her son. When a deadly famine came upon the land, God told Elijah to find a widow who would give him water and food. Elijah arrives to learn there’s only enough oil and flour for one more...
by Brent McDougal | Dec 21, 2017 | Opinion
I’d never experienced total darkness before spending a night in a cave. Fifteen of us, three adults and 12 youth, entered Alabama’s Desoto Caverns in the daylight with headlamps and sleeping bags. After viewing stalactites, stalagmites and strange insects,...