Where is God When the Bad Stuff Happens?

Where is God when bad things happen? This question has perplexed and frustrated those afflicted with suffering, grief and pain. Theologians and philosophers have wrestled with scriptural texts and rational thought striving to make sense of the enigma. Pastors and...

Working Mother’s Day into Your Church Liturgy

For churches in the Deep South, the de facto liturgical calendar revolves around Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, Decoration Day, Father’s Day, Fourth of July and Veteran’s Day rather than Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost and...

View from the Gulf: A Local Seaman’s Perspective

Several weeks ago, when the Deepwater Horizon explosion triggered an oil spill crisis in the Gulf of Mexico, those who live along the coast and around the country began praying for containment and clean-up of the oil. Many, like me, also began getting better educated...

Five Lessons Learned From Gulf Oil Catastrophe

Some of the most valuable lessons in life are learned during seasons of hardship, suffering or adversity. Wisdom is often forged from mistakes, mishaps and miscalculations. John Maxwell reminds us that “A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart...