Lessons from the Cloth

A couple of years ago, Bo Prosser, minister of education at Providence Baptist Church in Charlotte, N.C., teamed up with Charles Qualls, now associate pastor at Second Ponce De Leon Baptist Church in Atlanta, Ga., to produce a motivational book for church leaders....

Look Who’s Coming to Dinner

When some people think of Jesus, they may assume that he spent his time with the most reputable and righteous people of his day. A careful reading of the Gospels might change our thinking and introduce us to the real Jesus, the one who is constantly found associating...

Rendering Unto Uncle Sam

April 15 is not a date that usually appears on the Christian calendar. It is tax day, the deadline for filing personal income taxes. Is there a biblical and historical precedent for paying taxes? To the surprise of many, the Bible has a lot to say about taxes. Moses...

Easter: Varied in Celebration, United in Belief

Christmas is always on Dec. 25. Why isn’t Easter on the same date every year? Some years, Easter comes in late March when the weather is still wintry. Other years, Easter comes in late April after the redbuds, dogwoods and azaleas have begun to bloom. Why does...

Avoid Hurrying through Holy Week

A historical narrative of the week we now observe as Holy Week is found in John 12-20. During Holy Week, Christians of different denominations around the world will unite to reflect on the events which led to the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. The...