Liberty and Justice for All

“I pledge allegiance to the flag …” We recite these words in classrooms, at ballgames and at civic gatherings. During these days of debate and conversation concerning certain words within the pledge, do we listen to all of the words and take them...

“Bored Meeting” Cancelled

There are many lists of church bulletin bloopers that are circulating on the internet. On one copy of these humorous mistakes, I found a comical entry that read, “Church Bored Meeting this Sunday at 4 o’clock.” The real mistake may not have been in...

Holding Your Tongue

In the rural South, where I grew up, if you were about to speak out of turn or to speak negatively about someone, an older adult would usually interrupt you with the reprimand, “Hold your tongue.” The tongue is a small member of the human body, yet the...

Tough Tips for Parents

Father’s Day has come and gone, but the importance of parental nurture, tough love and firm discipline remains. Dr. John Rosemond, a nationally renowned columnist and family psychologist, recently visited our community and shared many challenging insights for...

Going to Church When You Travel

Summer is here and so is the busiest travel season of the year. When you are traveling, whether visiting friends or going on a family vacation, do you attend church services? If not, you may be missing a unique opportunity to have a different kind of worship...