Being Informed About Alzheimer’s Disease

The number of people who have Alzheimer’s disease is growing. Families and congregations who are well-informed about Alzheimer’s disease are better prepared to recognize and respond to someone who has the disease. Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive,...

Using the Internet Wisely

The Internet has been described by critics and doomsday prophets as a “pornographic cesspool” and as the “demonic beast” of the apocalypse. I disagree. While I readily admit the superhighway has backroads that access the dark alleys of...

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

When you read the Gospels, it is surprising how many questions were asked of Jesus, both by his disciples and other inquirers. Consider the following intriguing questions that were posed to Jesus. A few months ago, when youth attending a worship conference in...

All Nature Sings

This is an excellent season to get out and enjoy the beauty of the “rocks and the trees.” Here are some activities that could get you and your family out to enjoy the “beauty of the earth” this autumn: The psalmist knew this when he wrote,...

A Remarkable Story of Forgiveness

Although expressions of forgiveness do not always require the forfeiture of penalty or restitution, authentic forgiveness does require the relinquishment of vengeance by the offended, and it does seek the reformation of the offender. Immediately following the model...