by Barry Howard | Jun 21, 2010 | Opinion
Out-of-town friends are calling daily and asking questions like: “How are you guys doing with the oil situation?” and “How do the beaches look?” and “What do you expect to happen in the coming weeks?” Here are my most recent...
by Barry Howard | May 25, 2010 | Opinion
How can others who cannot peek inside your heart, glance inside your mind or scan your soul know for sure that you are a follower of Jesus? What is the primary evidence of your credibility and authenticity? According to John 13:35, your Christian identity is best...
by Barry Howard | May 16, 2010 | Opinion
For me, reading had become a crucial life discipline that exercises the mind and enriches the soul. Every year I try to choose a selection of fictional and nonfictional works to supplement my reading of the Bible, theology and other devotional literature. Because we...
by Barry Howard | Dec 17, 2009 | Opinion
When I got up this morning, I had this sensation that I was being watched. As I went to the kitchen to make some hazelnut coffee, I looked over my shoulder to see if anyone else was in the room. As the coffee brewed, I moved to the desktop computer to check news...
by Barry Howard | Dec 4, 2009 | Opinion
When I made a quick stop in a local discount store to pick up a few general items in early October, I couldn’t help but notice the strange combination of items in the promotional section near the front of the store. Half of the aisle was fully stocked with...