Film Celebrates 400 Years of Baptists in Britain

Baptists from the past and present are celebrated in a new film that has been launched on YouTube. “Being Baptist – Called Gathered Sent” is a 15-minute film commemorating the 400th anniversary of a Baptist presence in the United Kingdom. Involving six...

British Church Pilots Community Food Project

A church in Great Britain has piloted a community cafe that combines growing fresh produce, preparing great food and learning how to eat well on a budget. Nosh is a pop-up cafe that has been opening between noon and 2 p.m. each Wednesday throughout May at...

Reel Church Explores Spirituality Through Film

Film offers one way of relating spiritual matters to popular culture – and it might just be forming the beginnings of a new missional church in Great Britain. About 130 miles northwest of London, Hereford Baptist Church has been discovering just what a useful resource...