Why Immigrants Must Learn English to be American

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson, R-Texas, proposed along with Representative Mike Pence, R-Indiana, a new immigration initiative meant to strike a compromise between the “amnesty” and “no amnesty” camps in Congress concerning illegal immigration....

Education and the SBC Lifeboat Ethic

Baptist Christians in America should take notice: the strong, well-fortified and constituent-rich lifeboat called the Southern Baptist Convention is pulling away from a sinking culture, one burning with sin. This lifeboat comes in the shape of the “exit...

Fairness and Justice to Aliens

The Senate Judiciary Committee cleared the way for 11 million illegal immigrants to seek U.S. citizenship without first having to leave the country, the Tennessean reported Monday. For most Republicans, this is not welcome legislation. “Well over 60 percent of...

Abortion Laws and Red Herrings

Earlier in March the Tennessee Legislature took the first step toward officially amending the state constitution on the hot issue of abortion. Following South Dakota’s lead, the Senate approved Senate Joint Resolution 127 by a vote of 24-9. It calls for a 2010...