Where Are We, Morally When the Market Plunges?

Robert Parham of EthicsDaily.com has issued a clarion call for faith leaders in America to speak out on the economic crisis. I second his motion with a few reservations and stipulations. First, I’m not sure if most American Christians know how to respond to the...

Christianizing Campaigns

Every morning when I walk to my office, I pass the centerpiece of Belmont University: the 150-year-old bell tower. From it currently hangs a 20-foot banner advertising “Debate 08,” the Oct. 7 town hall presidential debate hosted by Belmont. I’m...

Protecting a ‘Way of Life’

So the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Bill foundered in Congress. Everyone knew it would stall and fail. What’s the big deal? For many American Christians, the deal is not that it failed but that their freedoms are being threatened to begin with. Many...

Avoiding Advent Boycotts

EthicsDaily.com recently carried a Religion News Service story about a new church movement called the “Advent Conspiracy.” It appears to be the initiative of a local Portland pastor in response to American consumerism’s captivity of the meaning of...