by Alex Smirnov | Mar 5, 2001 | Opinion
Despite the phenomenal popularity of the evangelical end-times “Left Behind” book series, which has sold over 25 million copies worldwide since 1995, the film version of the first book in the series, marketed as “Left Behind: The Movie,” failed...
by Alex Smirnov | Feb 27, 2001 | News
Eighty U.S. Nobel laureates have signed a letter to President Bush urging him not to block the flow of federal grants for research on human embryo cells, The Washington Post reported last Thursday. The letter is one effort to influence the Bush administration’s...
by Alex Smirnov | Feb 14, 2001 | News
A nationwide study of Protestant church pastors shows they do not have strong feelings one way or another about increasing federal funding for faith-based charity and social service programs. The study, released Feb. 1 by Phoenix-based Ellison Research, ties its...
by Alex Smirnov | Feb 14, 2001 | News
Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is promoting his movement against Jews and non-Europeans in Russia, according to various news agencies. During several trips to Russia over the past year and a half, Duke targeted radical nationalist and religious groups in...
by Alex Smirnov | Feb 1, 2001 | News
Jesus’ position was referenced often during a heated four-hour debate in the Georgia state Senate Jan. 30 over changing the state flag, which resulted in a diminished Confederate battle emblem. Addressing the Senate, Gov. Roy Barnes quoted a letter from former...