French Kids Insured from Bullying

Driven by reports of brutal schoolyard bullying, several French companies launched insurance plans last year that would reimburse students for almost anything from stolen textbooks to ripped clothing, according to Associated Press. Among claims covered by “bully...

Single-Parent Families Increase Worldwide

Around the world, the number of one-parent families is on the rise. World trends are similar to those in the United States, where the number of single-parent families is growing while the number of nuclear families declines. The 2000 U.S. Census Bureau reported that...

UK Muslims Outpacing Anglicans in Growth

Practicing Muslims in Great Britain could outnumber worshiping Anglicans by 2013, according to a new survey. In 2000, there were about 620,000 practicing Muslims in Great Britain, and they are expected to reach 750,000 by 2005, according to a study by the Christian...

Kentucky Creationist Proclaims War on Evolutionism

“This is a cultural war,” said Ken Ham told the Los Angeles Times. Ham is director of the global ministry Answers in Genesis and creator of a museum he said will take the “offensive against the scientific establishment.” Ham is building a...