Celebrities Endorse Evangelical Book in Germany

A private Florida foundation uses European celebrities to promote a 20-year-old evangelical text in Germany, raising concerns among the nation’s clerics. The Prince of Prussia, a soccer player, a women’s magazine editor and the British pop singer Cliff...

Pope Calls on Interfaith Dialogue to Denounce Violence

Pope John Paul II convened leaders of various religions in the medieval hill-town of Assisi, Italy, last Thursday to proclaim that religion must never be used to justify violence. Some 200 imams, patriarchs, monks and rabbis from around the world answered the...

Let Congregation Reign, Pastor Says

One African-American pastor leads his growing church with a rather short, but effective set of values. The Rev. William Buchanan, pastor at Fifteenth Avenue Baptist Church, one of the largest African-American congregations in its north Nashville, Tenn., -neighborhood,...

Scientists Stretching Adolescence into Thirties

In a way the understanding of adolescence has matured among scientists. According to some contemporary theories, adolescence now lasts until age 34, meaning that many of today’s soldiers, members of Congress and businesspersons could fall under the category...