State Department to Leave Mother and Father on Documents

WASHINGTON (RNS) Facing a backlash from conservative groups, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has ordered changes to a proposal to remove the terms “mother” and “father” from records of overseas births. “With Secretary Clinton’s input, we will be revising the form...

Army Faces Questions over Spiritual Fitness Test

WASHINGTON (RNS) The Army is facing questions over a “spiritual fitness” portion of a mandatory questionnaire, with some atheists calling it “invidious and not inclusive” of soldiers who are nonbelievers. The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation learned in...

Calif. War Memorial Cross Ruled Unconstitutional

WASHINGTON (RNS) A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday (Jan. 4) a veterans’ memorial featuring a 43-foot cross on California’s Mount Soledad is unconstitutional. “The use of such a distinctively Christian symbol to honor all veterans sends a strong message of...