Daniel Trusiewicz is mission partnerships coordinator at the European Baptist Federation.

1. Where did you grow up?

I was born to Baptist parents who were peasants and active members of a local Baptist congregation in eastern Poland.

2. What is your favorite verse, book or story in the Bible? Why?

2 Corinthians 2:14-15.

This passage points out that through the victories of faith visible to others, Christians can become the fragrance of Christ among those who surround us.

3. What is your favorite movie? Why?

“Searching for Sugar Man” by Malik Bendjelloul (2012).

This is a story of a modest singer who had an unusual talent, but he was an overlooked genius in the U.S. He lived a simple life in Detroit but did not know that his songs had a tremendous influence in the defeat of apartheid in South Africa.

4. Who are three people you admire?

Billy Graham, Nelson Mandela and Genya Trusiewicz (my wife).

5. What is one little-known fact about yourself?

I always spend my vacation in a remote village where I grew up and enjoy biking and picking mushrooms in local forests.