John Weaver is the chairman of the John Ray Initiative, an educational charity focused on connecting environment, science and Christianity in the United Kingdom.

He was principal of South Wales Baptist College until his retirement in 2011 and served as the president of the Baptist Union of Great Britain in 2008-09.

1. Where did you grow up?

Cardiff, the capital city of Wales.

2. What is your favorite verse, book or story in the Bible? Why?

Isaiah 43:1-5.

These are verses that God gave to me early in my training as a Baptist minister, when I was anxious about my calling.

3. What is your favorite movie? Why?

“Schindler’s List.”

It provides a suggestion of an answer to the question, “Where was God in the Holocaust?”

4. Who are three people you admire?

Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa of Calcutta and the late Alan Kreider (author, Mennonite missionary to the United Kingdom and American professor emeritus of church history and mission at the Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Indiana).

5. What is one little-known fact about yourself?

As a teenager, I regularly babysat Jeremy Bowen, who is now the Middle East news editor of the BBC.