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We need to raise $3,000 this week for getting “Gospel Without Borders” ready for TV broadcast.

If 30 EthicsDaily.com readers will contribute $100 each, we’ll reach our goal.

If 100 EthicsDaily.com readers will contribute $30 each, we’ll reach our goal.

If EthicsDaily.com readers will give according to their ability, we’ll reach our goal that covers our expenses for this initiative.

A special 47-minute version of the documentary has been prepared for broadcast on Soul of the South Network (SSN), beginning at 8 p.m. (CST) Aug. 18 with four more airings during the next few days. SSN programming reaches more than 20 million homes.

TV broadcasts will bring our documentary to a much larger audience than we’ve ever had.

Our documentary will bring to this viewing audience more light and less heat to the issue of immigration.

It separates myth from fact, examines what the Bible says about treatment of the “stranger,” shows the experiences of documented and undocumented immigrants, and provides handles for Christians to advance the common good.

Now, we need to pay for editing the existing documentary and getting it quality-ready for TV.

We are relying on our readers to move from reading to giving. We need you to be co-workers with us in advancing the common good.

Will you make a secure online $10 gift? What about a $50 or $100 donation today?

Robert Parham is executive editor of EthicsDaily.com and executive director of its parent organization, the Baptist Center for Ethics. Follow him on Twitter at RobertParham1 and friend him on Facebook.